Welcome to Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church

At Our Savior  you will find a warm, friendly atmosphere, classic Lutheran liturgies,
and sermons and Bible studies that are Christ-centered and firmly grounded in
God's Word and the Lutheran Confessions.

We are located in Bad Axe, in Michigan's "Thumb" region. 

You can find us at:
123 West Irwin St.
Bad Axe, MI  48413


Or call us:




About Us

A Missouri Synod member church, Our Savior Lutheran began as three separate Lutheran congregations in Michigan's Thumb area, one in Colfax Township, one in Bingham Township, and one in Sigel Township. The three congregations merged in the 1940s and built the current brick and stone structure in 1953. An education wing was added in the 1960s, and a spacious addition was constructed in 2007, providing additional meeting rooms, offices, and handicapped accessibility.

The education wing houses Sunday school classrooms and a large preschool which offers two and three day a week programs, Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

The church is served by the Rev. Kenneth D. Lueke, Senior Pastor, Mr. Bob Auger, Director of Christian Education, Mr. Alan Majeska, Church Organist, and Mrs. Mary Labor, Office Manager.




It’s hard to believe, but “On Solid Ground” is in its 20th year of broadcasting on WLEW-AM.  Starting from an idea by a couple of members to begin a TV ministry, and their willingness to support it, it grew instead into a radio ministry that is heard in Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac counties.  Since then, our Sunday morning broadcasts are widely listened to, and have been supported by weekly program sponsorships and by memorials and offerings given for it to the church.  Many of you have been faithful listeners and supporters of the broadcast over the years and for that, Thank You!

(People of the Book Lutheran Outreach):  Check out our POBLO display in the Gathering Area.  There are newsletters outlining the work of POBLO in reaching Muslims, Hindus and other non-Christian people in our country and around the world with the Gospel of Christ, and the changed lives of people because of that.  If you would like to support the work of POBLO, there are envelopes for donations posted on that display.

Also in the Gathering Area is a rack with booklets on various topics from Lutheran Hour Ministries.  These helpful and informative booklets are free, and there may be some that will be of benefit to you or someone you know.  Check them out.

Our Savior is now participating in the Scrip Program, which many of our Lutheran Schools and churches also participate in.  Many stores and vendors will rebate a percentage of what you purchase back to the church.  There are many local and national businesses that you typically shop at that participate in this program.  So order your cards through us and, when we get them, we will give them to you and you can shop with those cards and help financially to benefit Our Savior. 
The Women's League provides dinners for the family following the funeral. The number of women able to work at the funerals is dwindling - please think about volunteering to help. Call the Office, or Rose Stephenson to be put on the list of volunteers.


What is a Lutheran?

"Lutheran, eh?  So, is that Christian?"  Indeed, it is.  All of our theology and teaching is anchored in the central teaching of Scripture, which is "Jesus Christ, and Him crucified" for all mankind.  That truth is the heart and core of the Bible, and what it means to be Lutheran.

Lutherans believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.  It is not just a book of rules on how to live a moral life.  It is God's Book that proclaims what He, throughout history, has done to save sinners (which is all of us).  The Old Testament points ahead to the coming of the Savior, who is both True God and True Man, Jesus Christ; and the New Testament reveals this Savior in history - His atoning death for sinners, and His bodily resurrection from the dead.  It is through the Bible that the Holy Spirit works to create and sustain our faith in Christ, and enable us to do good works for our neighbor.

Lutherans believe that we are saved solely by God's grace through faith alone in His Son, Jesus Christ. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves.  Even the best of our good works and moral behavior fall very short of God's perfect standard.  Because of sin, we are lost and condemned.  But God took up our cause.  Christ's perfect life, death and resurrection has brought about forgiveness of our sins and reconciled us to God.  Through faith alone (which is a work of God in us, not a work we perform for Him), God is now our dear heavenly Father, and we are His dear children in Christ.

Lutherans are sacramental, believing that God comes to us through His Word, and through the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.  Again, these are gifts through which God works for our spiritual life and growth.  We believe Holy Scripture when it says that "Baptism now saves us,"and that in it we are "buried with Christ and raised with Him to newness of life."  We believe that infants should be baptized, for the Gospel in Baptism is for them, too.  In the Lord's Supper, Lutherans believe Christ's word and promise that, together with the bread and the wine, we also receive His true body and blood, "given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins."

Lutherans are, generally, a liturgical people, confessing together with all true Christians the classic Creeds of the Church, and using the hymns and orders of worship shared by Christians throughout the ages.  While vibrant and inspiring, our Services have a dignity and reverence for the God who comes to us in Word and Sacrament.

Lutherans are Pro-Life.  We have a strong regard for the holiness of life, created by God, from the moment of conception even unto old age.

Lutherans love and encourage the arts, music and all things that glorify God through our Savior Jesus Christ.  We encourage people to live out their daily vocations, whatever they may be, understanding that God works through us to serve our neighbor.

Lutherans strongly support and encourage education and science, understanding that these things are also gifts of God for our good and, when properly carried out, help us to understand God's creation and His works.  True science does not contradict the One who both wrote the Scriptures and to whom the whole creation praises as its Creator.

Lutherans would love to have you come and check us out.  We invite you to our Divine Services and Bible Classes.  Come and ask questions.  Come and receive the gift of Him who died for us and rose again, Jesus Christ our Lord.